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AutorenbildSonja Rauschütz

TRI-ENERGETICS CIRCLE - Zoom around the community

Aktualisiert: 16. Sept.

TE CIRCLE - Online, Friday, September 20th 2024 :: 17:30 - 19:00

Let's Connect! Come on board and take your place in this TE Circle with TE practices for a healthy balance of body mind, spirit.

Take a moment to charge your batteries and have some fun together. Connecting, sharing our lives and nurturing ourselves in the midst of our daily lives. Curious?

This TE Circle is open for interested friends, colleagues and family members as well an initiative of Sonja Rauschütz, Sander van Hesteren and the co-founder of Tri-Energetics Henry Marshall, Ph.D. as well as some trained TE Counsellors.:: Let's stay connected

For the invitation link, please Email, call or WhatsApp via +43 699 1953 2652 to Sonja Rauschütz

Might you be interested in joining the TE Community, then contact us and apply for the TE Associate Training, starting Nov 22, 2024 in Vienna.

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