-23. Dez. 20206 Min.Vulnerability, a word for our timesJudith Safford, on arthritisandme.ch Recently I took part in a clinical trial to help establish how my medication might affect the course...
-19. Dez. 20202 Min.The 3 minute BAM (Breath, Attention & Movement)If there is one NEED that we all share as human beings, it is the need to feel SAFE. Although world events and our personal relationships...
-19. Dez. 20201 Min.Online Kundalini YogaOnline Kundalini Yoga with Christina Wallisch (Gian Inder Kaur) Practice on a regular basis or just one a month, like you want, a deep...
Sonja Rauschütz5. Nov. 20201 Min.TE Conference - liveFrom Nov 5 - 8, 2020, the TE Conference for members was online. Over the stretch of 4 days, we co-created a powerful TE circle filled...
Raimund Mauch3. Nov. 20201 Min.Yoga & Mantra mit Raimund MauchFür alle, die nicht in Ravensburg wohnen und gern dabei sein möchten. Yoga & Mantra Online. Die Online Kurse Yoga & Mantras erfreuten...
Michael Schönen22. Aug. 20201 Min.TE Playshop - online for connectionMichael, Rita, Peter, Bert, Henry and Sonja - the Austrian TE Playshop Team - found that connecting virtually can be nourishing, fun,...